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U.S. federal spending represented by function as % of total spending: 1962-2015

If you take the data provided by the Government Publishing Office and graph the total dollars spent since 1962 on U.S. federal spending, you get something that looks like this:

And while this graph is useful--it tells us that U.S. federal spending has increased semi-exponentially over the past fifty years--it doesn't paint a clear picture of how spending on each function has changed over time. To see that, we need a graph with each function represented as a percentage of total spending, which looks like this:

For the majority of functions, federal spending has remained at a consistent percentage of total spending. However, for the big five--national defense, health, medicare, social security, and income security--spending has fluctuated quite drastically (both positively and negatively) over the past fifty years. 

Below each function is highlighted in a separate graph. I've provided a list of sub-functions that make up the spending within the larger function along with the maximum/minimum percentages of total spending for that function. 

National Defense (Function 050)

- 051: Department of Defense (Military) 
- 053: Atomic energy defense activities 
- 054: Defense-related activities 

High Percentage: 46.7% (1962)
Low Percentage: 15.5%

International Affairs (Function 150)

- 151: International development and humanitarian assistance
- 152: International security assistance
- 153: Conduct of foreign affairs
- 154: Foreign information and exchange activities
- 155: International financial programs

High Percentage: 5.0% (1962)
Low Percentage: 0.8%

General Science, Space, and Technology (Function 250)

- 251: General science and basic research
- 252: Space flight, research, and supporting activities

High Percentage: 4.8% (1966)
Low Percentage: 0.8%

Energy (Function 270)

- 271: Energy supply
- 272: Energy conservation
- 274: Emergency energy preparedness
- 276: Energy information, policy, and regulation

High Percentage: 2.1% (1981)
Low Percentage: 0.0%

Natural Resources and Environment (Function 300)

- 301: Water resources
- 302: Conservation and land management
- 303: Recreational resources
- 304: Pollution control and abatement
- 306: Other natural resources

High Percentage: 2.4% (1977)
Low Percentage: 0.9%

Agriculture (Function 350)

- 351: Farm income stabilization
- 352: Agricultural research and services

High Percentage: 3.74% (1963)
Low Percentage: 0.5%

Commerce and Housing Credit (Function 370)

- 371: Mortgage credit
- 372: Postal service
- 373: Deposit insurance
- 376: Other advancement of commerce

High Percentage: 8.1% (2009)
Low Percentage: -2.6%

Transportation (Function 400)

- 401: Ground transportation
- 402: Air transportation
- 403: Water transportation
- 407: Other transportation

High Percentage: 4.6% (1965)
Low Percentage: 2.3%

Community and Regional Development (Function 450)

- 451: Community development
- 452: Area and regional development
- 453: Disaster relief and insurance

High Percentage: 2.5% (1979)
Low Percentage: 0.4%

Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services (Function 500)

- 501: Elementary, secondary, and vocational education
- 502: Higher education
- 503: Research and general education aids
- 504: Training and employment
- 505: Other labor services
- 506: Social services

High Percentage: 5.8% (1979)
Low Percentage: 1.1%

Health (Function 550)

- 551: Health care services
- 552: Health research and training
- 554: Consumer and occupational health and safety

High Percentage: 12.7% (2015)
Low Percentage: 1.1%

Medicare (Function 570)

- 571: Medicare

High Percentage: 14.4% (2015)
Low Percentage: 0.0%

Income Security (Function 600)

- 601: General retirement and disability insurance (excluding social security)
- 602: Federal employee retirement and disability
- 603: Unemployment compensation
- 604: Housing assistance
- 605: Food and nutrition assistance
- 609: Other income security

High Percentage: 17.6% (2010)
Low Percentage: 6.2%

Social Security (Function 650)

- 651: Social security

High Percentage: 23.7% (2014)
Low Percentage: 12.8%

Veterans Benefits and Services (Function 700)

- 701: Income security for veterans
- 702: Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation
- 703: Hospital and medical care for veterans
- 704: Veterans housing
- 705: Other veterans benefits and services

High Percentage: 5.0% (1962)
Low Percentage: 2.3%

Administration of Justice (Function 750)

- 751: Federal law enforcement activities
- 752: Federal litigative and judicial activities
- 753: Federal correctional activities
- 754: Criminal justice assistance

High Percentage: 1.9% (2004)
Low Percentage: 0.4%

General Government (Function 800)

- 801: Legislative functions
- 802: Executive direction and management
- 803: Central fiscal operations
- 804: General property and records management
- 805: Central personnel management
- 806: General purpose fiscal assistance
- 808: Other general government
- 809: Deductions for offsetting receipts

High Percentage: 3.8% (1973)
Low Percentage: 0.6%

Net Interest (Function 900)

- 901: Interest on Treasury debt securities 
- 902: Interest received by on-budget trust funds
- 903: Interest received by off-budget trust funds
- 908: Other interest
- 909: Other investment income

High Percentage: 15.1% (1996)
Low Percentage: 5.2%

Interactive Graph: 


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